
About Patchogue Live Local

The community resource website at hand is a brainchild of Long Island Marketing House, aimed at bolstering the online presence of businesses in the Greater Patchogue vicinity while enhancing local engagement. The project encompasses multiple components. Foremost, the current platform serves as an online index or catalog of websites, akin to a web directory or what we affectionately term a community resource website. It entails entries pertaining to various websites, complete with corresponding links, systematically categorized, and subcategorized. In this instance, it entails a compilation of local businesses operating within the Greater Patchogue area.

Moreover, we maintain an active Facebook page designed to spotlight local news, events, and businesses. This platform serves as a promoted space to amass followers from the local community, fostering increased interaction among community members and local enterprises. A resounding call to support the local scene is at the heart of our endeavor.

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